When you get tired, what do you do? What is your reward?
As for me, I treat myself to eat something. Especially, sweets make me happy!
So, I eat something sweet at least one every day. (Although I try to lose weight for summer, I cannot put up with it. What should I do?)
There are many delicious sweet such as chocolate, pancake, ice-cream, and Frappuccino... in the world. We often give in and eat these.
Last month, I went to a Café with my friend and ate chocolate cake. (This photo) It was so nice and fluffiest I've ever eaten. If this corona-virus situation is over, I want to go café-hopping again. Especially in Kyoto, there are many cafeterias that we can have "wagashi"(Japanese traditional sweet). For example,kinako ,ma-cha and warabi mochi. Therefore, I want to go to some wagashi café in Kyoto until I graduate university. At first, I'm going to research around the Doshisha university. If you want to try something new, you should do it in this spring.
It is good to go outside or stay home comfortably. In this spring, I had a new experience. I went to a theater of Yoshimoto New Comedy Troupe in Osaka. Recently I am interested in manzai which is one of the Japanese entertainments. Manzai is a comic dialogue made by two comedians. I really wanted to watch their performances directly. On that day, I watched manzai of Kamaitachi, Einstein and Miki. I laughed so much there. Their performances on the stage could not be compared with them on TV programs. The theater was filled with big excitement and laughter. I could not forget them. I laughed a lot more than usual. When this confusion of the Corona virus calms.