We’re Also under Obligations -社会的義務について-

On the May 3, a long line of people was seen in front of St. Ignatius Church located in Tokyo, Chiyoda district. People were those who receive lunch boxes which were distributed free of charge by the church. The line was reported by some media and it makes one wonder why the church gives them food for free. In the basic of this deed, a spirit of “noblesse oblige” which is penetrated in the Christian nations exists. “Noblesse oblige” means that nobles are involved with a obligation and those who are with high social positions are responsible for helping those who are not. Those who are in physically good health states are also responsible for helping those who are not.

This volunteer spirit however, does not only exist in Christian nations but also in Islamic nations. The basic principals of muslim are five pillars such as the profession faith, prayer, almsgiving, fasting and pilgrimage. I noticed that the almsgiving(喜捨), in particular, have common with the spirit of Christianity that I mentioned above. Almsgiving is a deed that people contribute 3% of their assets to the poor and a student. Although there are differences depending on the religious sects, muslims believe that they would be able to go to heaven by virtue of such deed.

Recently, in the capitalist countries including Japan, the economic disparity, which existed ever before, became more explicit because of the novel coronavirus. While the unemployment ratio is getting higher and the notices of closing up are painfully seen throughout our cities, stock prices of certain firms which focus on technological and internet industry are rising.

Elites and college graduates are looking down on people in poor class while disregarding their profits that they have been receiving so far. People who are in high status take dominant attitude to workers whose wages are low and the workers are exploited to make larger markets.
Through the coverages which showing the line of people in front of St. Ignatius Church, I witnessed the limit of the present social system and the fatal lack of two spirits as described above.

As a university student, I must remember that as well as water and land, the education is one of the “social common capitals” , which are defined by Uzawa Hirofumi(宇沢弘文). I must also remember that we are responsible for meeting our obligations as recipients of such capitals in various ways. University students have to focus on an education aiming the pursuit of knowledge in a primary term, never for profits. Pursuing profits in an educational place accelerates the social disparity and students must neither be controlled by profits nor lose original purposes. In addition to that, we must be conscious of social and environmental problems in order to handle them with wisdom all the time.

“Noblesse oblige”, nobles are involved in obligations. Power always carries with its responsibility.
After graduating, I might be a person with an authority or a power in the social life.
In that occasion, these are the spirits that I must keep in mind.

Writer: Hagimon

同志社大学英字新聞部 The Doshisha Post

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