Dictionary Shows You How World Has Changed

New words are added to dictionary every year with the change of times. Some of the words recently added include casual expressions and words, and they may surprise you for how they are modernized! They show you the developments of technology and how different our lives are compared to the past.

For example, the word “adult” was always used as a noun, but these days it is often used as a verb, meaning to behave like an adult, or to repeat something boring. Furthermore, people under 30 years old are quite familiar with the word “influencer”. As you can easily expect what it refers to, it means someone popular on social media and who earns money on socials, though it originally meant someone who has an influence on someone else. Surprisingly, there is an interesting expression on dictionary towards the end. “Panda eyes” is recently added to dictionary, meaning bags under eyes caused by lack of sleep or a mess caused by makeup.

Dictionaries are used to be formal and barely include words which have recently been created or prevailing among young people. However, those words appear in current dictionaryies, and it might help you catch up with the world today, so have a look at a dictionary issued in the past and the one issued recently. You will see how times have changed by words on the dictionary. 

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