【本棚をのぞく④】外大生編 Let me see your bookshelf!

This time, I conducted an interview with a friend of mine and she is a student of university of foreign studies. Her major is Spanish language.



H: So, this time I asked you to take picture of your bookshelf and the bookshelf seems to be academic. What about another category like hobbies? Do you have some paperbacks?  

N: I seldom read books for hobby. But I sometimes read Hemingway’s after I entered school of Spanish language. I have read The Old Man and The Sea(老人と海). A teacher also recommended For Whom the Bell Tolls (誰がために鐘は鳴る) and A Farewell to Arms(武器よさらば).  

H: I heard that The Old Man and The Sea is related to Spanish. What was that…?  

N: Yes, it was interesting that I found the sea is depicted like a woman. Usually, a sea is spelled ”el mar” but it was spelled “la mar” in the book.  H: That is an unique perspective that you have! 


H: I can see most of books are related to Spanish in your bookshelf. Are you spending more than half of a week with studying Spanish just as your bookshelf?  

N: Yes, almost. like vocabularies and grammars. 

H:Okey, so most of the classes you’re taking are related to Spanish, right? 

N: I’m studying Spanish and Latin America. These are really interesting. 

H: First of all, what brought you to studying Spanish?  

N: Well, I learned that Spanish is the third most spoken language in the world. That’ the reason.  

H: Are there any difficulties you have faced?   

N: Yes, there was a difficulty to remember the conjugated forms of verbs. On the other hand, the pronunciations are relatively easy. And Spanish and English have something in common.   

H: Okey. By the way, did you buy these books for classes or private?

N: I bought these books for private. But they were expensive and definitely not student-friendly! I hesitated to buy them. 

H: Is there something important in your bookshelf?
N: Yess! This is it, “英単語ターゲット英単語1900”. This reminds me of my test season. Also, I spent hours and hours on this Spanish vocabulary book. I think I memorized 70% of it. This was really helpful to me.
H: What are you going to study from now on?
N: Well, I need to review vocabularies and grammars. Also, I want to gain writing and listening ability. It is difficult to make sentences in Spanish. In addition to that, I want to read For Whom the Bell Tolls and A Farewell to Arms.

Seeing her efforts has motivated me to study a second language as well. 
Thank you for taking my interview, it was pleasure to know you more!!

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